You usually rely on your office employees to translate for you. Have you prepared them for this challenge?   

Spot the error in the following translation:
L’enfant, fut-elle liée par la cheville?
Was the child tied by the ankle?

Bilingualism is Not Enough!

As you must have realized, knowledge of two languages is not enough to make a good translator. A translation error might cost you millions of dollars. Specific training in translation is essential to be effective in translating. To meet the needs of all office employees, we have developed a unique two-day workshop that introduces the key notions of translation in a lively and captivating format.

Who Should Attend?

This workshop is designed for bilingual (spoken and written) office employees–secretaries, receptionists, administrative assistants, sales/marketing staff, or anyone in your company who translates occasionally.


Why this workshop is essential

Competence in translation will give the participant  an edge in the workplace. Employers not only require bilingual employees, but those that can translate effectively in both languages. Over 80% of bilingual secretaries in Canada are required to translate as part of their duties! This workshop will improve speed, accuracy and confidence in handling translations.


Workshop Outline

Day 1

Unit 1 : Qualities of a good translator

Unit 2 : The 5 stages of translation

Unit 3 : The 7 translation processes / How to avoid word-for-word translation

Unit 4 : The right way to use the bilingual dictionary


Day 2

Unit 5 : Text analysis

Unit 6 : Translation problems: what to do

Unit 7 : Basic differences between French & English

Unit 8 : How to evaluate the quality of a translation


What Participants Will Learn

1.  The 5 stages of translation
2.  The 7 translation processes
3.  Sources of errors and how to overcome them
4. Basic differences between French and English
5.  How to conduct fruitful terminology research
6.  How to assess the quality of a translation
7.  Where to get help in case of difficulty
8. The right way to use a bilingual dictionary

Participants will emerge with greater speed, accuracy, confidence and efficiency, which all translate into greater productivity.Competence in translation will give your employees an edge in the workplace.