Quality is Key
As a matter of routine, every document entrusted to us for translation receives special attention at three levels:
- It is translated by one of our highly qualified translators.
- The translated text is then reviewed by a reviser who compares source and target texts to ensure that meaning has been accurately transferred.
- The revised version is then passed on to a proofreader who examines it independently to ensure its conformity to conventions of grammar, style and presentation.
Depending on the nature of the project, this procedure may be enhanced as follows:
- We set up a project database that is updated regularly and shared among the translators working on the project to ensure consistency in terminology used throughout the project.
- We assign a project coordinator who is responsible for the following:
- coordinating each translation assignment, including assigning work to various translators;
- updating the terminology database to ensure that when work is being done by more than one translator, all members of the team will are consistent in their use of terminology;
- contacting the client to iron out any technical problems related to the project.
- coordinating project meetings during which translators on the project discuss translation problems and seek common solutions before any documents are returned to the client.
- proofreading all translations before they are submitted to the client to ensure harmony in translations done by different translators.
Translation Services
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